It is evident since the advent/breakthrough of human civilization that man has always found his residence near or among the basic natural landmarks like rivers,mountains and forests. There are further evidences where ancient man has attached his emotional and religious intrests with the nature. In the lap of nature he has comforted himself by having food at ease,by hiding himself from the direct exposure of outer world,by adventuring the secrets of diversified greenery where is hidden the secrets of a healthy life and by protecting himself from the phenomenon like sunstrokes,rain and flood.Early man used to worship Gods in the form of trees which provided them all things needed for their survival for long times. The bigger and greener trees implied bigger and greater life of people relying on it. No doubt that trees and forests are the reasons behind man being so strong today that his strength has now become a curse on himself. Man being the most rational among all the creatures, in the blind race of advancement and modernization has forgotten the utter importance of a green cover that he has torn apart to build the castle of his comfort. For sure science and technology has shown a remarkable transformation of man from being a hunter to a sophisticated robot but this change has been made at the cost of the health and life of mankind. From the air we breathe to the news we read in the morning,from the medicines we take to extend our span of life to the electricity we boast of ,today each and every product that we have,each and every services we enjoy are the results of changed perspective of man where he chose luxury among comfort and health .Cutting of forests to build houses and industries ,shredding of trees to manufacture paper, medicines, cosmetics, detergents etc is not only crippling the biological balance but has also since last couple of years has raised a serious threat of global warming that would directly attack our existence.The problems of soil erosion,frequent earthquakes,landslides and floodings,heating up of the atmosphere,rise in diseases like skin cancer,bacterial attacks where elevated temperature is quite favourable for bacteria breeding and many more are not all of a sudden events but the results of our gradual mischieves and ill treatment with the nature.
Seeing the economic significance of forests and our unavoidable dependence on them deforestation is a quite concerning and critical issue that requires a serious attention . The livelihoods of 1.6 billion people depend on forests. 30% of the world's forests are primarily used for production of wood and non-wood products. Wood energy is the dominant source of energy for over two billion people. It is estimated that forest products contribute about 1% of world gross domestic product (GDP) through wood production and non-wood products. Even more important is fuel wood and fodder, especially in developing nations, where people depend on wood almost entirely for their household energy.
Forests not only provide a shelter to a diverse group of species and stand up as a saviour green cover on the earth but it also proves that disappearing forests is symbolizing the disappearance of habitat and biological entities soon or after. The most disappointing and aching issue is that despite knowing our reliability and dependence on forests and trees ,we are allowing them to go away.The earth is getting browner and concrete ,hounding with the different types of noises and is suffocating out of the human ventures and artificialities where there is no filter,no recycle,no replenishment and no second chance. When we cut a forest ,it is not only the trees that go but along with them,the biological cycle tears apart ,hopes of being bony,robust and happy also fades down.

Today also in the dark forests of Africa and others there are still some tribes that are living with,in and among the trees and forests and are still aloof from the so called civilized and modernized world. As compared to us,they may not be enjoying the tastiest cuisines of the world or they may not be having the latest fashionable wardrobe to cover their bodies or they may not be in contact with the people all around the world through internets and media but this is for sure that they are more healthier than us,they are stronger than us,they could listen to the sign and symbols of Mother Nature,they are happier than us and definitely they live for more number of years that we do.
There are some sensitized communities and groups all over the world that are continuously since last few years working real hard to conserve forests and spreading awareness among the people to realize its importance and need. WWF along with local communities and social icons is helping to carry on projects and fruitful works to make a difference and pass on the message of go green from generation to generation for marking the results as a sustainable development. Need is to join hands, gather the informations related to our current issues and bring back the forests back to the land. Though the original greenery is impossible to paint because of our continous ignorance and adamant styles,but through our regular endevours we can play a key role in managing the vital natural resources,in keeping soil healthy,air fresh and water clean .