they emerged as shiny-red cherry blossoms in my sundried kitchen garden which nowadays remains covered by the dry noisy leaves of the banyan..when they appeared ,they looked like one bringing the wetness of a raindrop on the bare earth fissured.Though there are other palnts too like chilli ,spinach etc but they haven't yielded yet so they also seemed to have bathed in the sudden serendipity.Till they were green and tight they couldn't carve out their beauties and my backyard looked pallid and drooped inspite of my pamper and care.I too was under the fear that I couldn't make out time for them .But this arrival in the summer just coaxed me to make more of them and now I wish to fill my garden with all of them.ahhhhhhhh these were too fresh and young enough to contrast beautifully my green bowl.I wished not to use them but the tomato soup and curry really placated my belly very nicely........thanx to them........