Friday, April 20, 2012

Summer Strokes

Every season and every colour of this nature is evocative, driving all the emotions out  and making  all the characters of my memories alive.Dry and heavy winds of summer carries the past stories and events  during nights, under the clear sky of stars where I fall back into the epochs of yore.The summer nights stay as a consolate companion filling in the loneliness, by flashing the times that have passed  and all those events that  make us cry even after a eon has passed.The sweat dripping beneath the wet cloth I don gives the only cold in the scorching sun and touches the dry corner of my heart that craves for one sweet memory .The hefty stroke of warm air slaps for the mistakes we have done and for those we are repenting.The smell of souls that the summer wind has touched stirred in its own earthly scent of donnism penetrates into every pore of the skin squirting out the laziness and sluggishness inside.
The sinecure is now no more tolerable cause it makes us feel enslaved by the true characterstics of summer where we feel dizzy, loose, sometimes thought-less. Many times I feel like a body without sinews which would fall like a loose molten mass of rubber. The longer days and shorter nights do not allow me to pamper myself by my favourite pass time works unless it is a holiday and I am at home. Work in summer is one of the punishments of adulthood that we have to endure with. It is one of those times when I really want to be jobless and to have a life of fun without bosses, without rules and without routines.
Dangling my legs into the lake of my dream, I think of the last best thing that has made me so happy that I would have recieved the vestiges of that happiness for a really long time. And all I could think about is a painting, a presentation and a grand wedding at home. One more is in row and with a hope to have lots and lots of strong,happy,dancing moments, I really want to sneer at summer's hubris that can dry us but never steal our dreams.

The rainbow at Baga

It’s nearly 0.5-0.6 Km walk from the parking zone to my office in plant area. It’s an often over-looked benefit of working in a hazardous ...