Another eye-opening and sensitive issue of our society that is one hard core truth not being accepted and understood the way it should be, despite the fact that every second child including me and you at some point of time is the victim. Child sexual abuse is quite common and to no surprise can be realised in our surroundings if we have an eye to see and recognise the perverts prevailing in our own neighbourhood in numbers. Indian society that is considered to have one of the most rich cultures when we talk about our behavioral attributes to our relatives and kin, hides several such issues of embarassment, humiliation and assault that is rarely surfaced and vindicated from the heavy heart of the victims. Cause the tender age that is unable to decide and open up while he/she is undergoing an emotional and physical torture becomes a robbed entity whose childhood has been turned into a hell. The child may prefer to forget and cut out this part of his/her life than to tell anyone and rekindle the pain of their pampered hearts. A child is much more adult thatn an adult is and has much more original and natural emotions that a grown up might have. These feelings unknowingly create a hesitation to share those things that might hurt or anger or frustrate their loved ones, no matter what and how badly they themselves are suffering. The hugeness of their concern and thinking is something that should be intuitively known to each and every parent so that they create such a bond that the child finds no difference in between him and them. There are possibilities that despite such intimacies and closeness, some factors might intimidate or refrain the child from speaking up and gather the courage to confront such beastful gestures but we are the only one who have to make sure that they are safe and secured.
The sickness of abusers can be found too common, some are daring to put it into practice while some satisfy their delirious urges by indirect means but the most horrifying aspect is that in both the cases the victim is tormented equally. We may find people whose way of looking or talking or touching itself speaks up for their intentions and the dirtiness of mind. They might be all good in other activities and gestures but these uninvited courtesies make so many around them uncomfortable. We in our professional and social life are held among deluge of such people whose risque and gross manners make us feel like banging their heads against their walls and bring them in front of masses to open the cup of their mind to show how much frowsty flesh is in there. We know stuffs, we know our rights and power and thus are able to defeat their intentions but this in no manner reduces their number and changes their thinking. Kids who are not aware of the types of people around them, nor they have any idea of things that may be bad become easily accessible and tameable victims to them. And their understanding towards whatever is happening to them takes a lot of time to protest and confront them. By that time the child shrinks into his own cocoon and surrenders himself/herself to the situation . The pain, the mental trauma, the tormented soul and the raped childhood are something beyond our imagination. Everyone wants to look back in the garden of yore where lies their childhood, smiling and full of happiness. But some childhoods are like the darkest lanes with hounding voices of monsters that would haunt them whenever they would try to remember their past.
The survivors on the show gathered all the courage to reminisce once again that part of their life which they want to burn out and proved that will and audacity of hope can heal every wound. There are many untold stories in the eyes of your child that needs to be heard and a strict lesson equivalent to death needs to be given to all such disgraceful and sick minded people who lose their dignity by insulting one of the most natural forms of God.
Thank you Amir to unfold this chapter to make us realise that we need to be more vigilant towards our children and make them smart enough to root out such hateful practices.The relatives, friends, aquaintances and others are most welcome to share our happiness but they will never be allowed to own it.