Well after a ton of time I have come here and it seems just like others I have too turned into just a visitor to this blog.After these many tacit days that hold a lot many events to be described here and i dont know really where to start from. Though I have so many topics to discuss here and knowing this that due to my reluctance and lack of time of course I would say, my vocab must have got a thin coat of rust that needs to be scraped off to do justice with these jumping thoughts.
Let me start with the awesome trip to Kerela, though it was meant for an official tour but the gestures and the hospitality, the ambiance and the weather, the colors and the humidity, the rhythm of Kerela mesmerized all of us and we felt it to be really God's Own country.

Well when Kerela is named, we get a picture in mind: lots of coconut trees but since Coimbatore airport till the hotel in the city we could hardly get such a rich picture. We were little disappointed of not having any peculiar touch of kerela when already 2-3 days had passed during the training program. Worst of all, we searched for coconut water as well but couldn't find it in Kerela!!! That was really frustrating on our part since we had gathered nothing till now to flaunt about us being in heavenly place. It looked like an ordinary city with all brand outlets, same glittering roads at night, same crowd and same speed as we get in any north indian city: the only difference was the closing of shops by 8:00 PM, all people in white lungis and cotton attires, big juice shops with delicious shakes and juices to fight against the humid weather and the foreign and mixed language in people. Else was same.
After 5 days of complete disaster, we had plans to go to Munar with a hope to collect at least some memories(if we get) for taking them back to the routined life as a wet vestige.
Fighting against my instinctive whining over going back home out of continued sore throat, homesickness and strongest urge to get a glimpse of someone, I finally decided to make my trip and that was really one good decision because what was rewarded by nature there to us was really worth and priceless.
On the way to Munar via road trip is an exclusive feeling since it seems that the running roads leaving behind tall trees are greeting and creating new landscapes near, very near,for us each one with lovely surprises. Throughout the journey our mouths were open in awe, we didnt know how much more to get surprised and stunned. The best part of road trips is that we can stop anywhere we want to have customized memories and cherish trivial but precious things.
Off the road, in the jungle, exploring ways to waterfalls: all seem so adventurous and gives an excitement to discover something that has been hidden somewhere in the nature.

The game of such a treasure hunt takes us back to the days when we used to get excited and extremely happy with any exploration, any discovery that used to touch our inner goddesses. We were literally jumping and shouting and screaming and laughing after so many days as we found some beautiful nature shots where every tree, drop of every waterfall, every stone and every pebble were supporting as if were waiting for us and are equally delighted and excited having us there.

The lush meadows of rich tea estates and the length of the trees made us realize how rich and healthy and stout and green nature can be. They in no way looked dependent on us, neither adulterated or pitiful or weak or out of place. They instead seemed the smartest and most beautiful and strongest hosts letting every tourist believe that there is nothing more beautiful, more peaceful, more serene. Rising through the heights of Nelliyampathy hills, wherever we stopped, we searched for words and expressions to tie the astounding sight. With the mingled smell of cardamom, coffee beans and spices the air seemed so welcoming relaxing us in its service.
The cloud caressed peaks with heavenly formations of trees and rocks made the entire journey refreshing and we felt blessed in the lap of the majestic hills. At the peak of the hill that offers the entire view of the city in its lap held us at the top of seventh cloud or even beyond that. I cannot fairly describe here through my words how much peaceful it was. The silence that has rhythms of nature and whispers of air, where sky seemed near and land seemed far away, where I wished to lie down and talk with him for hours, or just lie down on his chest and look at the farthest point which cannot see us. The place hypnotized and brought the memories of him who makes life fulfilling. That was the beauty of that point which made everyone nostalgic and borrowed.

Well if I go on with this travelogue, I will keep on writing and writing because what is seen is something that can be described full on without any halt. But I guess this much is sufficient to collect back and go back in the galleries and valleys of my minds where the color of Kerela is still lingering.
I just lived and held her in my arms, I got painted in her colors and I remained at peace.