I am famished, says my literary soul and I have no idea how to feed her. I am truly clueless, completely under the control of external forces.
The only thing to which my true spirit is connected is her and not me who is just a medium......to survive.
Every personality has its own light, however it easily gets shadowed....and intimidated in the company of other personalities and cloud of daily events. The moment one understands and discovers his subdued light, he outshines every other and that is where his penny is dropped....and he becomes unstoppable. My light is in the words I use to ink my feelings, in the strokes of my brush that I use to paint down my mind... Time and again, they need to be de-dusted .......to drill out the flair that is pushed everyday a little bit towards the rock bottom.....
Today is the last day of the week, Saturday...Sunday is gaping with lots of expectations from me to make it fulfilling and rejuvenate my inner me for enduring the next week...I hope it ends well...with a contented heart and a lighter soul.......