Saturday, December 31, 2011
Thursday, December 29, 2011
Monday, December 26, 2011
The matrix
He fell for her!
She enjoyed!
He proposed to her!!
She said no!!!
He is over her now!
She is sad!!
Saturday, December 24, 2011
life is feelings
Like ripples in a silent lake,
You plan my breath to take.
The beats of my heart go on hold
When you stand in my tale untold.
Your first touch like a drop of dew
Drops of love that I ought to sew
With golden threads of love endowed
And keep them back in the cache of cloud.
You plan my breath to take.
The beats of my heart go on hold
When you stand in my tale untold.
Your first touch like a drop of dew
Drops of love that I ought to sew
With golden threads of love endowed
And keep them back in the cache of cloud.
You hoved into as the first rain sight
Gorged in romance and filled with delight.
I looked at my feet when you looked at me
And lost my sighs at the sudden glee.
Your shadow wrapped me through
As you came near to me.
How dumb I felt in your cage
When I felt I was totally free.
Behind the tree along the lake
You splashed the water on my face.
Kissed all of them and turned me pink
Stole my soul and made a link.
An hour spent with you
Is an age with desire.
Where every new wish starts with you
And I find Thee in your attire.
I close my eyes where you appear.
Smiling and winking and looking so real.
All I want is to see you forever
And feel how love becomes surreal.
Friday, December 23, 2011
Thursday, December 22, 2011
Just few names of all times in my life that I could recall today and would keep on adding to stress the fact that there are umpteen people we meet,talk to,play with,enjoy with and then leave them to move on.I have missed so many names that might have glistered my life at one point or another but I hate the human nature that forgets the forgone.......While reading out these names all the moments and memories and reminders start floating with different coloured images,all being part of it.
Madhu,Renu,Deepen,Sippi,Neepen,Chulbul,Pintu Chintu,Mintu,Rakesh Awasthi,Niranjan,Megha,Soni,Punnu,Nehari,Namita,Rajani,Meena,Vandana,Anup,Vijay,Ranjit,Sourabh,
Sandip,Nisha,Keya Paul,Basanti,Roshni,Soni Hansda,Picon,Sonal,Kanchan,Hema,Archana Bhagat,Rahul,Pankaj,Shwetank,Sashi,Sneha,Abhisek,Anusha,Govind,Pooja,Ani,Anand,Himant,Mukul,Manu,Swagata,Aditi,Anjali,
Pratibha,Sugandha,Ravi Teja,Ashank,Tuhin,Richa,Vibha,Prerna,Alka,Bhavna,Khusboo,Ruchi,Rolly,Priyanka Utkarsha,Dilip,Nilesh,Swatantra,Vishaal,Chunni-Chunna,Vinay,Tanmoy,Guda,Sumit,Suraj,Ankur Rathore,Pranav,Ansh,Roshan,Kshama,Neha,Gul,Parul,Aarti,Ayush,Koustubh,Shaalinta,Nikhil,Rita,Momina,Rajat,Hemanth,Som,Ishita,Vaibhavi,Baani,
Anuradha,Neeta,Sonu,Divya,Rosy,Reshu,Chhoti, be continued..........
Wednesday, December 21, 2011
Tuesday, December 20, 2011
When it comes to elucidate divides in India, I really find myself too lean and inadequate since there is too much in its history and barrage of trails in the present. Should I start with the social divide in post ancient India arising the concept of caste which was originally based on profession but afterwards turned into a conventional loathsome practice boring deep roots in the democracy as well. Or should I mortalise the bitter fact once again that religious divide in India still has the efficacy to rip off and burn all the developments and achievements of a nation into dross and ashes of anguish and disputations. Believe it or not India has always been divided at one point of time which multiplies in each period. And every disparity, be it social, economical, religious or self borne has done no good to us as a nation.
If as a noble, conscious and responsible citizen we offer ourselves in dwindling anyone of theses divides to an extent of ecstasy, we might consider ourselves change-makers.
What a spiritual or a moral guru says about self-practices to improve the quality of life of self and then of people who make societies and nation is something like start the charity from your own home and effects will be dispelled outside. The national movements which take on social evils as their target to eradicate and cobble, demand the participation of the nation to make them most effective and fruitful. The protests in different manners for socio-economic good led by gritty people who are truly unbiased and apolitical may be referred as one of the most courageous steps towards budging for a perfect world they often envision. People like Binayak Sen emerge time to time to fight for the mass which is powerless and bogged down under the weight of liabilities and radicalised mindsets throwing an open thought in the air that we really need change: change in our fossilised thinking, change in the approach towards attending simplest problems, change in the purpose. But unfortunately such people many times fail to make any difference and even after getting dilapidated and subjugated become a forgotten case.
To avoid sudden freak, changes may be done starting from the datum level. It is an irony that India definitely has many levels of that kind and at each level we can find number of cankers still stealing the soul of the nation. Exemplifying, a sugar coated term for the exchange of gifts among the alliances in lieu of exchange of faith and beliefs also popularly known as dowry, where self respect that something we earn, dies, still dwells fearlessly in Indian society. In name of carrying on the legacy of the ancestors that divided themselves on the basis of colours of the skins and their legacies, caste system has still its roots deep in the minds of dogged people. When everyone having the primary education mugs by heart that violence and aggressiveness is not from our cultural hierarchy and still we cry upon foeticide and domestic violence, we are the most dangerous species of mankind holding a mask on the face with a demon inside. The intricacies of such evils can be diluted by having a self consciousness among ourselves on behalf of young generation that what we do, what we intend to do and what we may do has an impact on the world around us. A life without a stain is not impossible to have. Everyone can do at least things towards every little thing they think should change the way it is and these changes will prove that we care for humanity and the glory of human being. With a little immunity towards insult and humiliation, we can empower ourselves in rationalising the thoughts and cleaning the dust over the skin of our own surrounding where tomorrow next generation will move on the trails left behind.
Parenting for illustration is a kind of movement when we fight for the good of someone we truly love and care. Children are the blind followers with least idea at the beginning of the logics and reasoning. But the inputs to them not only come from the family but from the society in the most effective manner. So if they are lying, deviating, ‘changing’ then it is totally us culpable of distorting the shape of our own future. Youth of every age is the force of desire and needs a direction from the leaders of the society. Creating examples and principled benchmarks by paying off the value of our education at personal and social levels induces a hope that perfection is on its way and the change would be seen when we start assessing the potential in everyone to fight against every injustice or abuse or activities that pollutes the ambience.
Not every time we get a chance to correct our lives because life is a boomerang; everything comes back. Sometimes despite of hard efforts mistakes are never compromised and are done at the stake of moral loss.
“Words strike till they are being read but deeds strike to make a hole in the heart forever.”
Digital Literacy Mission is a benevolent effort by a group of active professionals and social givers to start a program that would enhance the knowledge of people in the digitally advanced sector. Education sector in India has no doubt excelled and expedited the national standards by preparing bright brains and erasing the quilt of ignorance and illiteracy. But still there is a discernibly huge area where primary education is a real schlep. With increasing demands of jobs and skyrocketing hike in competence, real challenge is to carve out those unattended people who are waiting for just a motivation to bootstrap themselves out of their social constraints. This mission will not only creep into such areas but also increase their competency by making them digitally literate.
Anyone can be an active part of this mission and register themselves on truly voluntary basis by offering himself/herself as tutor or facilitator as per the field of their expertise. The seed of this mission had been sowed long back in 2009 by global federations and socialists and the fruits will truly be helpful in eradicating the intoxicated world of ignorance. Using the latest tools and gismos of information and technology, online provisions for supplying the course materials and tutoring may be done to involve as many people all around the world as great teachers. DLM is a virtual global network where using the latest Cloud Computing technology, various nodes will be maintained. People all across the globe are becoming a fragment of this mission in different manners to give something to the underprivileged section of the society. I and you may also join the breakthrough rally by active participation. For further details and correspondence we may follow the link
“Self generated and self propagated thoughts always migrate from mind to the ground of realities.”
India has been a developing nation since her independence in terms of social ,economic and political backgrounds.With every remarkable improvement,the nation moves one step ahead towards continual progress.Like a centipede,education sector has also covered miles and emerged as the most promising field for every new generation to shape the future in a better and most effective manner.Since the times of ‘gurukul’ till the modernised education system there are citations which refer to changes,experiments and transformations in the ways and forms of teaching that are rife .But still there lies a huge chunk of rural population that strives hard against poverty,infancy illiteracy and unemployment.The social ironies mocks at the national development which carries the stories of impoverished and underprivileged people.With increasing demands of jobs and skyrocketing hike in competence,real challenge is to carve out those unattended people who are waiting for just a motivation to bootstrap themselves out of their social constraints. In this context Digital literacy acts as a pivot.
Martin has given one of the most comprehensive definitions of digital literacy. He has defined it as the awareness, attitude and ability of individuals to appropriately use digital tools and facilities to identify, access, manage, integrate, evaluate, analyse, and synthesize digital resources, construct new knowledge, create media expressions, communicate with others, in the context of specific like situations, in order to enable constructive social action; and to reflect upon this process.
A digital citizen may be considered as an asset to the nation that contains the potency to influence people,has the skill to benefit the enterprises and organisation,has the cornucopia of knowledge to literate the people and make them a part of technologies and advancements.Today almost all the schools have started paying a parity with computer classes that includes knowledge of hardwares,softwares,computer languages,web-tools etc that would motivate the spirit of being more confident of selves.The teachers have a hard- won challenge to prepare their students as the most creative,deft ,innovative and competent to be launched as the most fruitful asset in the market.This encourages the learners and the givers as well to perform more ideally and productively.It is opening new areas of employment and self motivation making people more responsible towards family,society and nation.
One major difficulty that is faced by non creamy students is lack of communication power. Effective communication is one tool that helps in seizing an image in the market.A knowledge in the latest high technology digital world helps us to get connected with the people all around the world.This may include one’s concerned field or area of concern where by bloating the circle of contacts and advertising the skills he can excel in and expedite his work experiences.This may also be helpful by using the electronic gizmos to create ,evaluate, ,recapitulate, record and refer to the dissertations and work we do or intend to do which not only increases the efficiency of work but also brings reliability in picture.Apart from the work area and shop floors ,to get acquainted and notified with the social upkeeps and open new ventures in the employment sector,digital literacy acts as a true giver.
Teachers themselves after seeking proper knowledge in this area can benefit the society in very effective manner.They may promote distant education in the areas where it is hard to run regular classrooms.Chaitanya Gurukul Public School in Chamanpura village of Gopalganj District,Bihar is one brilliant example of excellence and service.It is quite a remote place that is using hih-tech gadgets where teachers mark their attendance using a biometric finger-printers and impart knowledge sitting at the different corners of the world. Lessons and subjects are well taught using Skype,video conferencing and internet.This young school is one of the best illustrations of the greatness of digital literacy and the glory of young minds.
There have been challenges as well that arise due to the regular changes in the ways of understanding,approach,access response and interaction in social and professional lives. The whirlpool of knowledge and learning often demands the turbulence of parallelism with the world beyond and after one’s study is over and he joins the mainstream as a workforce that require technical excellence and updation.Today in the field of science and technology where a huge number of students are absorbed ,the one thing that improves their competence is their knowledge in digitally advanced sector.Education system in India has also leaped up to maintain the global standards but there are still so much to be done.Digital literacy needs to be popularised particularly in the areas were primary education itself is a real schlep .By introducing the concept into the syllabus and making it a renewal oriented system we can allow along with the previous tracks,the students to match up with the modernised world where lies job,clientele and a competent market.
For framing a digital future for sustainable development initiatives are being taken to empower the rural population and make them efficient and resourced.There are many seminars and conferences which are organised in schools,institutions,communities and organisation to impart this reflective element at all levels.
Digital literacy may be considered as a set of skills and art that is strengthening the base of a developing nation.By holding every node of inputs for improvement we need to get accessorised with all such tools that can help us in making India a country of wizards and a nation of digital brains.
How security can be a part of productivity and profitability?
“A company, an organization, a firm flourishes in the clime of positivism and girth of security”.
Understanding security
Since the winds of change are blowing everywhere, we keep on updating our technology and same needs to be incorporated in the security sector to match up with the new versions of crime. Through different sensitization and awareness programs security can be imparted as a self germinated attitude to fight against frauds. Especially in the field of oil and gas where business and fields are spread across vast distances in different climate and contour condition, an ease of access for data control and high bandwidth is required for a well head monitoring in remote locations. With the help of robust CCTVs and SCADA, business in gas networking and transmission has become quite easy and thus the scope of spreading the business moves parallel with the well efficient security system. Among nearly 1894 MAH units spread across 286 districts, 26 states including union territories in India if GAIL,Pata is one of them then it is a question of self realization that how crucial security is in keeping the company safe from any tragedy.
Many times in the industrial lingua security and safety are considered to be complementing each other since both the fields stand at the same end of the rope that leads to the excellence in the organizational performance.
Employee Share in security
Incidents happen regardless of all the preparation that we make to halt the causations but a strong security puts in the confidence that the system is ready to face the unprecedented calls.
Understanding security
Since last few years, security has enlarged its meaning, importance and implication as the world is changing its appearance from being rigorously progressive to distinctively productive and profit oriented. In the scene of competitions wherein the performance of a company has become quantitative, security too has turned out as a contributor to the figures. Taking a preventive action to extenuate the probabilities of results that are unlikely may be treated as one of the motives of security. A standard perception is that industrial security is about access control and safety of personal and personnel in terms of their property and being. Though this perspective is the basic tool behind every security management, it is the cumulative factor that determines the well being of any industry.
Importance in oil and gas sector
Since the winds of change are blowing everywhere, we keep on updating our technology and same needs to be incorporated in the security sector to match up with the new versions of crime. Through different sensitization and awareness programs security can be imparted as a self germinated attitude to fight against frauds. Especially in the field of oil and gas where business and fields are spread across vast distances in different climate and contour condition, an ease of access for data control and high bandwidth is required for a well head monitoring in remote locations. With the help of robust CCTVs and SCADA, business in gas networking and transmission has become quite easy and thus the scope of spreading the business moves parallel with the well efficient security system. Among nearly 1894 MAH units spread across 286 districts, 26 states including union territories in India if GAIL,Pata is one of them then it is a question of self realization that how crucial security is in keeping the company safe from any tragedy.
Security relation to productivity
Many times in the industrial lingua security and safety are considered to be complementing each other since both the fields stand at the same end of the rope that leads to the excellence in the organizational performance.
Profit of a company carries a direct proportion with its productivity which at the same time depends on few primary factors like employee satisfaction, operational control and a strategic work plan. All these parameters are the image builders for any company and put an obvious reflection on its market reputation.
By investing efforts to create a secured network around workplace, residence and public areas, we germinate a tinge of satisfaction and reliability among the workers and employees that their lives and assets are being taken best care of in return of their devotion to the company. However apart from employee security being totally physical, there is a requirement to create a balance between the needs of security and culture of the organization. This security gap may sweep in the potential data leakage from various points of use. Therefore at the same time the valuable information being shared among the employees on the network and the freedom allotted to them should in no case put security from threats, data thefts, frauds etc and hence the reputation of the company on stake.
A strict and gingerly worked out control over the operations that invite foreign involvement is needed to prevent any unwanted fluke. For illustration while importing materials or dealing with visitors or clientele, we keep one of our sides open to outsiders that may create opportunities for the firebrands to fulfill their intentions that might not be in the intrest of the company. A properly trained, committed and responsible security system stands with an acute plan to combat such incidents and put a check over the probable impediments in the smooth operation of any process.
Work plan
For an organization rich in manpower it becomes more necessary to recognize and throw away miscreants through a full proof work plan and ensure that the perimeter is secured. The strategic loop for the security network may involve following nodal elements.
Case studies and analysis
Planning and strengthening
Evaluation and reassessment
This work plan may vary with the organizational structure but should have the power to confront the vulnerabilities that impede the productivity and profitability of the organization by any means.
Security being a part of productivity may be understood by getting apprised by the fact that at every level of organizational set up we need it to justify our objective. Be it receipt of materials or dispatch of products, be it different means of communication within the organization or it may be the movement of documents and files physically or electronically. By using latest and updated tools of security it becomes easy to control the gaps and intimate the message to the ill doers to get alert.
Sunday, December 18, 2011
gone in the wind...
Rust and dust lied deep inside;
rusted were his steps
dusted were his thoughts.
To douse the flames of failure,
he tried to pull out himself
his life getting bigger and unmeasurable,
and leave behind
the agony, the fluster and acerbic stress.
He was crying with his reflections since long
but today
rusted were his steps
dusted were his thoughts.
To douse the flames of failure,
he tried to pull out himself
his life getting bigger and unmeasurable,
and leave behind
the agony, the fluster and acerbic stress.
He was crying with his reflections since long
but today
was mum
without any hitch and fear and dismay.
like a silent sea
without any urge to touch the moon.
Wished to end up things in a better manner soon
and experiment one more time.
but surrendered
before the gale of his instinctive voice,
that tried hard to cling to the things slipping away,
listen to the lullaby heard long back,
and say
without any hitch and fear and dismay.
like a silent sea
without any urge to touch the moon.
Wished to end up things in a better manner soon
and experiment one more time.
but surrendered
before the gale of his instinctive voice,
that tried hard to cling to the things slipping away,
listen to the lullaby heard long back,
and say
To all those whom he loved and still does,
he is going to wither and break down into pieces
get wet in the mud of divine and then write down
he is going to wither and break down into pieces
get wet in the mud of divine and then write down
the unheard words.
To look down again and ask,what wrong did he do?
he walked away in silence
without saying a word,
without the consent and without any prophecy.
must be hard for him
to leave people and meet the infinite
but is harder for all those
who are left with the poverty of his destiny.
To look down again and ask,what wrong did he do?
he walked away in silence
without saying a word,
without the consent and without any prophecy.
must be hard for him
to leave people and meet the infinite
but is harder for all those
who are left with the poverty of his destiny.
Many facts in life are unbearable and too bitter to live with especially then when our strings are attached to some of their corners.We are left with no choice other than keep on standing and looking at the things that just happened and robbed all our peace and the fact that we couldn't stop it makes us further weak and helpless.This write is dedicated to all those souls resting in peace(I guess)who had also no choice but walk away from this biased and illogical life that might have created umpteen confusions that they preferred to leave the wale of tears than to confront them.But whatever they did and thought and decided no less made feel us forlorn and deserted.Their absence is felt.
Thursday, December 15, 2011
Destiny of words
They played like an urchin
And change the course of line.
I wonder, I gape and dance around
To look at the changes they make at mine.
Some gawk at me and few mock,
Else talk and play me a native song.
While I look for a new age word
They cringe to live for a little long.
They come, they live and often they die
Every age discovers to try
Words that put a life to thoughts
And seize the world with chronic knots.
A vintage world in books of dust
With lines having fiat to convey
No matter how fame it has
One day they all become cliché.
Cliche,hackneyed and derogatory words must be behaving a glorious past at the times they were discovered and widely used. Their stories,roots,origin,phonetic euphoria helps in creating a personal corner where some of them live forever whereas else get replaced with changing time.Sentences become more heavy,purpose turns more firm and voices become more convincing if we have words we put our faith in.The destiny of words take them from an episodic doggerel to marvellous writes,they have the power to change the course of line for sure.....
Cliche,hackneyed and derogatory words must be behaving a glorious past at the times they were discovered and widely used. Their stories,roots,origin,phonetic euphoria helps in creating a personal corner where some of them live forever whereas else get replaced with changing time.Sentences become more heavy,purpose turns more firm and voices become more convincing if we have words we put our faith in.The destiny of words take them from an episodic doggerel to marvellous writes,they have the power to change the course of line for sure.....
Wednesday, December 14, 2011
Roller- coaster- ride
Under the folds of blanket when I lie down
with the curve of my belly and arms as chords.
To share my day while I sleep
and think of the events,evens and odds.
With a deep sigh and a big smile
for his stare and helpful solace.
The moment which was turning blue
held the time and seized its pace.
I turned my side towards the left
to see the attire of the fop.
It was a nylon quite outmoded
but red satin which looked like a prop.
Piles of files when smiled at me
I dragged my doze to wrap me over.
To live this night full of dreams
and let my dreams to swim and hover.
In the morning to design my day
I smile at my dream and look outside.
The sun where winks to wish good luck
for one more roller coaster ride.
The lost times
The lost times-1
I am scared of the vintage.
For what I am speaking will remain in whispers.
For what I am writing will soak in papers.
The light in the picture is the light of the past
that had a life but not today.
The stories untold and events umpteen
are lost somewhere in the heap of dismay.
I must have lived somewhere in the yore
and living again with no instinct.
The day will come when I too will be gone,
leaving behind my dust in synch.
The lost times-2
The world that lived few years back
is still alive with faces changed.
Eyes stare and smiles so powerful
to knock the door of peace forayed.
Look at them,their glimmering faces
speaking of the fun they once had.
I can find me among one of them,
with the same expression and a dusty clad.
I am scared of the vintage.
For what I am speaking will remain in whispers.
For what I am writing will soak in papers.
The light in the picture is the light of the past
that had a life but not today.
The stories untold and events umpteen
are lost somewhere in the heap of dismay.
I must have lived somewhere in the yore
and living again with no instinct.
The day will come when I too will be gone,
leaving behind my dust in synch.
The lost times-2
The world that lived few years back
is still alive with faces changed.
Eyes stare and smiles so powerful
to knock the door of peace forayed.
Look at them,their glimmering faces
speaking of the fun they once had.
I can find me among one of them,
with the same expression and a dusty clad.
Saturday, December 10, 2011
Tuesday, November 29, 2011
Tuesday, November 22, 2011
She again
Dark, dense, green and thick
was the jungle I went across.
To forgo my fear and walk through it
where nature stood quiet and gross.
Branches bent and gibed at me
to hoover my thoughts I hid.
Heap of foliage then welcomed me
with one considerate push of wind.
They had all shapes hanging there
Some where round and some had frills.
On the bed of grass had purple beads
and a swing of stem with leafy tendrils.
I lied down and gawked at azure,
Found myself in a room of white.
With all green and red and blue and yellow
butterflies as a fortuitous delight.
The flux of water killed my doze
when I dipped my feet in its cold.
Ford that had a glazing skin
looked spry to get time a hold.
Fishes danced around my feet
and stones seemed round enough.
I got washed off from inside
and asked them so that I could doff.
She owns a divinity and an ultimate love
where we glean over her figments apart.
To forget and lose and feel the breath
and sweep her inside into my heart
was the jungle I went across.
To forgo my fear and walk through it
where nature stood quiet and gross.
Branches bent and gibed at me
to hoover my thoughts I hid.
Heap of foliage then welcomed me
with one considerate push of wind.
They had all shapes hanging there
Some where round and some had frills.
On the bed of grass had purple beads
and a swing of stem with leafy tendrils.
I lied down and gawked at azure,
Found myself in a room of white.
With all green and red and blue and yellow
butterflies as a fortuitous delight.
The flux of water killed my doze
when I dipped my feet in its cold.
Ford that had a glazing skin
looked spry to get time a hold.
Fishes danced around my feet
and stones seemed round enough.
I got washed off from inside
and asked them so that I could doff.
She owns a divinity and an ultimate love
where we glean over her figments apart.
To forget and lose and feel the breath
and sweep her inside into my heart
चाचा नेहरु
चाचा नेहरु हूँ मैं तुम्हारा
जिसने लड़ी थी एक लड़ाई
इस देश को वहां देखने
की कसम थी जिसने खाई I
मैंने देखा था एक सपना
जब हर बच्चा होगा एक सिपाही
खूब पढो और उठो चलो
इस देश की तुम पर है जिम्मेवारी I
यह लाल गुलाब यह उजली टोपी
इतना बस हैं बतलाते
तुम्हारी महक से दुनिया गूंजे
इतनी खोज करो तुम सारे I
बचपन की यादें कहती हैं जब
कहाँ गया वह निर्भय साहस
सोचता हूँ खुद मैं हमेशा
कि समय सुखा देता है सब रस I
पर दिल में चेतना मुख पर चमक
ला देती है वे सारे पल
जब बेख़ौफ़ घुमा करते थे हम
जेब में रख कर देश का कल I
जिसने लड़ी थी एक लड़ाई
इस देश को वहां देखने
की कसम थी जिसने खाई I
मैंने देखा था एक सपना
जब हर बच्चा होगा एक सिपाही
खूब पढो और उठो चलो
इस देश की तुम पर है जिम्मेवारी I
यह लाल गुलाब यह उजली टोपी
इतना बस हैं बतलाते
तुम्हारी महक से दुनिया गूंजे
इतनी खोज करो तुम सारे I
बचपन की यादें कहती हैं जब
कहाँ गया वह निर्भय साहस
सोचता हूँ खुद मैं हमेशा
कि समय सुखा देता है सब रस I
पर दिल में चेतना मुख पर चमक
ला देती है वे सारे पल
जब बेख़ौफ़ घुमा करते थे हम
जेब में रख कर देश का कल I
Wednesday, November 16, 2011
निदा फाजली
नई नई पोशाक बदलकर मौसम आते जाते हैं
फूल कहाँ जाते हैं जब भी जाते हैं लौट आते हैं
चलती फिरती धूप छाँव से चेहरा बाद में बनता है
पहले पहले सभी ख्यालों से तस्वीर बनाते हैं
शायद कुछ दिन और लगेंगे जख्मे दिल के भरने में
जो अक्सर याद आते थे वो कभी कभी याद आते हैं
फूल कहाँ जाते हैं जब भी जाते हैं लौट आते हैं
चलती फिरती धूप छाँव से चेहरा बाद में बनता है
पहले पहले सभी ख्यालों से तस्वीर बनाते हैं
शायद कुछ दिन और लगेंगे जख्मे दिल के भरने में
जो अक्सर याद आते थे वो कभी कभी याद आते हैं
Monday, November 14, 2011
I am sad...
I dont know what to say.
I never knew what to say.
When I lie down under the pool of stars,
All I can think is You didnt stay.
We walked in the rain with bare foot.
We saw and felt how heaven appears.
You left me alone in the middle of the road.
Now I walk in the rain to hide my tears.
In the spring when flowers fell on my face'
you touched my cheeks to sweep them aside.
I am lying on the grass quiet and forlorn,
where once you kissed me and held by your side.
On the day when we went for a drive,
A tickling silence densed our love.
Today also a silence prevails,
ready for my peace to flail and shove.
I never knew what to say.
When I lie down under the pool of stars,
All I can think is You didnt stay.
We walked in the rain with bare foot.
We saw and felt how heaven appears.
You left me alone in the middle of the road.
Now I walk in the rain to hide my tears.
In the spring when flowers fell on my face'
you touched my cheeks to sweep them aside.
I am lying on the grass quiet and forlorn,
where once you kissed me and held by your side.
On the day when we went for a drive,
A tickling silence densed our love.
Today also a silence prevails,
ready for my peace to flail and shove.
Sunday, November 13, 2011
Friday, November 11, 2011
Heart's diary
There is one diary, intuitive diary known as "heart's diary" which writes and notes down every new and old event, feeling and experiences. It is only when this diary gets overfilled with barrage of emotions and deluge of thoughts, we need a diary of paper and pen to scribble the words fraught with an anxiety and fear of getting lost. This diary writes about the things lost and surprises that everyday we are offered by the almighty. I realize and offer my grain of gratitude to Him to make me potent enough to sense the beauty of life all around and the most beautiful thing that I see he has made is "me”. I am an entity whose eyes are made to see the greatest things of all time like presence of a mother, near to me, affectionating me, pampering me, swearing to loose everything for the one she loves and has cared for always.
Though words serve as a medium to continue the flow of thoughts and abridge the gap between what we feel and what we acclaim, sometimes they betray and prove themselves incapable of expressing. There remains something which I become unable to speak.
Though words serve as a medium to continue the flow of thoughts and abridge the gap between what we feel and what we acclaim, sometimes they betray and prove themselves incapable of expressing. There remains something which I become unable to speak.
Saturday, October 29, 2011
Friday, October 28, 2011
Friday, October 21, 2011
Saturday, October 15, 2011
Despite being quite aware of an undelible fact that people die and their appearance vanish like the evanescent rays of the sun at dusk, we fear. Dead people just go away leaving behind a vaccuum of memories.The feeling is unbearable.
Addicted to the habit of getting used to relationships is life’s best shot to agree categorically to its unique and sometimes illogical framework. Everybody has a different story with a tinge of happiness and scad of sorrows as they may say where thousands struggled,lived and died. Man since his childhood ties knots and make commitments bloating the circle of kith and kin from families to friends , alliances to colleagues and sometimes even anonymous bonds that are rife ignorant of the upkeeps in life. It is not at all impossible to live without all of them but it is quite difficult not to find them around and to love life again when it seems effete.
Dedicated to all those people whom we have lost but whose promises would live diluting the peevish strokes of life seizing their fragments in the clime forever.
Eyes poured on the day crowned.
He aired his cap ,made a rhetoric sound.
The blaze of pride and aurora of glory
Marked the beginning of a tragic story.
Life is restive and expects the same.
But never get trapped in its language lame.
It has wrapped all in it: the good and the best,
Flaunts only a part ,never talks about the rest.
It is hard to leave home as always
When the weeping faces beseech the days.
To run fast and faster as guiles,
Wiping their saline and bring back the smiles.
With all the blessings one embarks upon.
Life goes on with days and darks along.
Tieing the knots with promises to keep,
Thousands of dreams to see and to leap.
Green turns the heart with a naïve inside.
Novice of the wrongs he thinks to be right.
With a happy family and circle of friends
He could live up the dreams with all messy bends.
Saviour is he and spirits are high
Thinking with the hallowed wings of happiness,he could fly.
Children’s eyes shimmering with desires.
The only thing heart always aspires.
A song of desire and dreams and hope.
A roseate feeling being together to dope.
One sings a lot jauntily in the breeze.
Under the blanket all bliss to seize.
Late night thoughts with a drowsy note ,
Whispers to swim into dreams and clothe
The bare vision of the day coming next,
Will it be great or once again vexed?
Every goodbye and a waving hand
Invites their return back to the land
It happens,
When people go and never come from the past
Leaving behind a wraith vision of the last
They cry and scream and weep and glance
Wishing to rewind the time at once.
Remains a soul connected though in comatose
Memories become the only bridge to close…………
Addicted to the habit of getting used to relationships is life’s best shot to agree categorically to its unique and sometimes illogical framework. Everybody has a different story with a tinge of happiness and scad of sorrows as they may say where thousands struggled,lived and died. Man since his childhood ties knots and make commitments bloating the circle of kith and kin from families to friends , alliances to colleagues and sometimes even anonymous bonds that are rife ignorant of the upkeeps in life. It is not at all impossible to live without all of them but it is quite difficult not to find them around and to love life again when it seems effete.
Dedicated to all those people whom we have lost but whose promises would live diluting the peevish strokes of life seizing their fragments in the clime forever.
Eyes poured on the day crowned.
He aired his cap ,made a rhetoric sound.
The blaze of pride and aurora of glory
Marked the beginning of a tragic story.
Life is restive and expects the same.
But never get trapped in its language lame.
It has wrapped all in it: the good and the best,
Flaunts only a part ,never talks about the rest.
It is hard to leave home as always
When the weeping faces beseech the days.
To run fast and faster as guiles,
Wiping their saline and bring back the smiles.
With all the blessings one embarks upon.
Life goes on with days and darks along.
Tieing the knots with promises to keep,
Thousands of dreams to see and to leap.
Green turns the heart with a naïve inside.
Novice of the wrongs he thinks to be right.
With a happy family and circle of friends
He could live up the dreams with all messy bends.
Saviour is he and spirits are high
Thinking with the hallowed wings of happiness,he could fly.
Children’s eyes shimmering with desires.
The only thing heart always aspires.
A song of desire and dreams and hope.
A roseate feeling being together to dope.
One sings a lot jauntily in the breeze.
Under the blanket all bliss to seize.
Late night thoughts with a drowsy note ,
Whispers to swim into dreams and clothe
The bare vision of the day coming next,
Will it be great or once again vexed?
Every goodbye and a waving hand
Invites their return back to the land
It happens,
When people go and never come from the past
Leaving behind a wraith vision of the last
They cry and scream and weep and glance
Wishing to rewind the time at once.
Remains a soul connected though in comatose
Memories become the only bridge to close…………
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