Monday, February 20, 2012

Life as we know it

 "Gather ye rosebuds while ye may,
Old times is still a flying,
And this same flower that smiles today,
Tomorrow will be dying"

Life, a word that strikes endless references, numerous imageries in mind, some from past and many from present, comprehends the fact that there lies no definition for life. Life is an identity for one who works, life is a gift for one who is a keeper, life is an experiment for one who adventures, and life is a journey for one who leaps. We play different roles at different stages of our lives where all we need to do is to offer ourselves in the service of whatever it demands for, without forgetting our real entity.
Everybody lives with a different story but somewhat same lesson at the end of the day. In the kaleidoscopic world where in our lives, apart from us, many others live, inspire, influence, teach, hurt and love create an impression which gives us a direction towards choosing a way of living and deciding the principle tools for life ahead. How is our life and how should it be? It is a customised question of seeking reality and needs to be answered every other moment. So let us try to dig into different facets of life and take a journey to create avenues for living a life with no regrets and true compassion.
When we go into darkness we already know the reality that it is due to the lack of light that makes us invisible to our own eyes. In our lives too we need to find out the hard-core reality about the deprivation making us invisible among the people around us and turning us into a dispirited person. Negativity is nothing other than a surrender attitude of self that believes that situations are demanding things out of the purview. Once we identify the lacuna in our efforts making any project, be it at work, in society or in personal corners, successful and believe that human capabilities are unlimited, there will be no work unfinished, neither will be a tinge of discontent inside. Some times our work life is not as peaceful and easy going as we wish it but that is how one's hard work and all the education pay off. What we do and how sensitised we are towards our work no matter how badly our expectations end reflects our attitude towards our life. By maintaining ethical line of work, adopting emotional intelligence and pursuing a progressive learner's approach in the career helps in gearing up our professional life. And one basic mantra that always helps resuming originality is to be in work for only the working hours and then forget that we are even employed. The meagre 24 hours of a day needs to be evenly and fairly divided to play our parts in a justified manner.
Nature, since years has been standing as a soother to share the burden that lies on the shoulders of man paranoid of the chaotic and occupied life. Like an innocent childhood where there are always beginnings and no ends, where there is no one to pierce any hole into their self-proclaimed world of fantasies and where every fearless effort is deprived of any kind of artificiality, nature is one single place which connects us to what we really are. In the world of grown-ups where complications, second-handed feelings, piracies and filthiness are like elemental tools to survive we still can extract little time to peep into our own little world somewhere inside and make quality time with the same nature that stood unchanged few years back. Spend more time in your garden, embrace the morning glory of sunshine, and let your feet touch the cold of dewdrops on the carpet of grass, let the humming bird be your every morning companion on the strong branches of the old banyan in your backyard, dance in the rain, jog for breathing the freshness of the morning, make a healthy diet as a perfect start for your day, frame a strong physique to live a joyful and long life, write diaries for they are the reminders and face-lifters too, look back and see what made you happy, discover your lost forgotten hobbies and establish them in your routine, read and gather knowledge as much as you can and make your life a reflection of your purpose of living.
Emotional upheavals often make our steps stumble while we walk on the road of life since it is full of uncertainties. Being expressive and considerate to ones we know and tend to know is one way to invite, give and share happiness. Show what you feel for others, offer help to everyone who might be hesitant to seek and speak nice words since they are the indicators of your concern. From the diary pages of a loving husband, "What if tomorrow never comes, will I be able to face myself again for I never kissed you the way I wanted to, for I never held you tight in my arms and explained how much I cared for you, for I never looked into your eyes to see my own reflection, for I never said sorry for the things I really was, for I never told you the things my heart nagged again and again to confess. Life seems too short once we realise that it is too long to be all alone. We love to love but we often do not dare to dare and this nature often breaks hearts of people in the guilt of not fulfilling our own desires and of others for not being a part of their desires.
Live for your family, spend happy hours with them, draw smiles on their faces and love them like they love you. Family is the strongest bond that shows that there are more laughter than cries, more love than hatred and more reasons to be happy than being in sorrow.
Life is what we make it: A basket of surprises with little anticipations and full of opportunities. Remember, happiness lies in the moments of present, memories of past and dreams of future. So lead a life full of moments, filled with memories and engrossed with dreams.

The rainbow at Baga

It’s nearly 0.5-0.6 Km walk from the parking zone to my office in plant area. It’s an often over-looked benefit of working in a hazardous ...