Many a morning hath he there be seen,
With tears augmenting the fresh morning's dew.
Adding to clouds more clouds with his deep sighs;
But all so soon as the all-cheering sun
Should in the farthest east begin to draw
The shady curtains from Aurora's bed,
Away from light steals home my heavy son,
And private in his chamber pens himself,
Shuts up his windows,locks fair daylight out
And makes himself an artificial night.
                                          --------------------Montague to benvolio worried for his son

Sad hours seem long
                            ----------------------------Infatuated Romeo

Take thou some new infection to thy eye,
And the rank poison of the old will die.
                                       ------------------------Benvolio awakening Romeo from the
                                           slumber of attraction

How stands your disposition to be married?--------Lady Capulet
It is an honour that I dream not of.-------------Juliet

"Parting is such a sweet sorrow,
That I shall say good night till it be morrow." --------Romeo to Juliet bidding adieu at enthral.

 "A gentleman that loves to hear himself talk,and will speak more in a minute than he will stand to in a month."....................................Romeo to the ancient nurse discussing Mercutio's blabbering

"Two may keep counsel, putting one away".......Capulet's nurse reciting an old saying while doubting the honesty of romeo's men 

 John denver-Leaving on a jet Plane

All my bags are packed, I'm ready to go 
I am standin' here, outside the door.
I hate to wake you up to say good bye.
 But the dawn is breakin',it's early morn,
The taxi is waitin', he's blowin' his horn
Already I am loansome I could die.

So kiss me and smile for me
Tell me that you'll wait for me
And hold me like you never let me go.
 Cause I am leaving on a jet plane
Don't know when I'll be back again.
O'babe, I hate to go. 

There's so many times I've let you down
So many times I've played around
I tell you now, they don't mean a thing
Ev'ry place I go, I'll think of you
Ev'ry song I sing, I'll sing for you
When I come back, I'll bring your wedding ring

So kiss me and smile for me

Tell me that you'll wait for me
Hold me like you'll never let me go
Cause I'm leavin' on a jet plane
Don't know when I'll be back again
Oh babe, I hate to go

Now the time has come to leave you

One more time
Let me kiss you
Then close your eyes
I'll be on my way
Dream about the days to come
When I won't have to leave alone
About the times, I won't have to say

Oh, kiss me and smile for me

Tell me that you'll wait for me
Hold me like you'll never let me go
Cause I'm leavin' on a jet plane
Don't know when I'll be back again
Oh babe, I hate to go

But, I'm leavin' on a jet plane

Don't know when I'll be back again
Oh babe, I hate to go

"Love is always patient and kind,
Love is never boastful or conceited."
Love takes no pleasure in other people's sins
but delights in the truth
It is always ready to excuse,to trust, to hope
and to endure
whatever comes..............................................................A walk to remember

Sunlight mingles with the dew in the morn
As a mark of love and passion that is born
Between the two that are different in make,
One in the sky, other on a leaf in the lake.......................An inadvertant statment made during a conversation by someone dear but blurred as of now.........

I'm just a girl, standing in front of a boy, asking him to love her.
                                                                                                                  ..........Notting Hill

Love is a temporary madness. It erupts like an earthquake and then subsides. And when it subsides you have to make a decision. You have to work out whether your roots have become so entwined together that it is inconceivable that you should ever part. Because this is what love is. Love is not breathlessness, it is not excitement, it is not the promulgation of promises of eternal passion. That is just being "in love" which any of us can convince ourselves we are.

Love itself is what is left over when being in love has burned away, and this is both an art and a fortunate accident. Your mother and I had it, we had roots that grew towards each other underground, and when all the pretty blossom had fallen from our branches we found that we were one tree and not two. -

 ------------------------------------Captain Corelli's Mandolin

If I tell you I love you, can I keep you forever?

The rainbow at Baga

It’s nearly 0.5-0.6 Km walk from the parking zone to my office in plant area. It’s an often over-looked benefit of working in a hazardous ...