Saturday, September 8, 2012

First Oil Paint


Well I am not much happy and satisfied with the first work trying this new medium. Through this I just learned how tactically it is required to blend the colours to put into one single picture that has to be already framed in mind. I think I got too excited having a new medium and brighter set of colours that I couldnt anticipate where the painting was going. Although what I like about this painting is the straight merged monochrome boxes that took me to 3 separate times after every dry-up.
The arms, shoulders and shoes of ballerina took up the colours very nicely, infact even the dress draped a little glamour with the blue and white tone. Flowers disappointed me cause they had to be milder and soft and tender which on the other hand ended up as wild ones. Still lots can be done to modify the mood of the picture. At least I am happy the main work is complete. The journey is more than one month old.

Outstretching my arm, I leap over and hover in the sky to look up for my dreams locked somewhere among the clouds over my head.
 Neways Just tried to edit the digital print by inverting the colours and found it a bit eclectic. Looks different and gives a clear idea where the lines and curves are straight and perfect. And defenitely flowers look far better here.!!! Her yellow ballet shoes are lovelyyyyyyyyyy!!!


My companions.

My office desk and cabin invites me every morning at 9:30 AM to get reserved and occupied for next 8 hours. My workplace is not much tempting to create an anxiety for daily projects and I have to sometimes create my own personal corner with some adjuncts to keep me at ease under the pile of files and tasks. Some little things that cheer me up at the times I skip my work attention. These charmers around I can say allow me bear the 8 hours of drudgery which definitely is turning me lesser of a fun receptor during the schedule. The round pumice stones held in my palms percolate the calmness into me through my skin and of course serve as my personalised paper weights. My lovely duos from the frame keep me inspired and motivated to love my job and deliver just what is required. They keep me connected to myself. The one hanging chain of the damsel, a reminder of some fortuitous delights in life that we often receive and love to treasure just because memories and moments could be frozen. The only memento of such an event as of now that I do have makes me feel still alive and full of feelings that give my heart a compensatory elixir. The pen stand that is always in a hope of a nice ink-filled pen and stationeries to justify its presence allegedly holds up all my chits containing some scribbles. Often all these get hidden behind the scattered papers and files all over my desk and give me an impression that like them I too get carried away by the diurnal reservations and the moment I clean up, I feel light and fresh. These are my companions beholding me as a keeper, instilling a tinge of faith to overcome all odds and recreating a diorama of my personal essence.

The rainbow at Baga

It’s nearly 0.5-0.6 Km walk from the parking zone to my office in plant area. It’s an often over-looked benefit of working in a hazardous ...