Monday, November 26, 2012


Invisible becomes visible
unknown becomes known
The one thing I always feared,
Love would make me all alone.

Love or like?

Sometimes we brood over silly things that prove a gradual decline of our conventional wisdom. This write-up however I would not consider a moot point doubting my maturity in relationships but a revelation. A friend of mine asked me to think about the difference between "liking" and "loving". Such closely connected words often push me towards the razor's edge where it becomes necessary to show my clarity over any subject, which calls out for a clear demonstration of a perspective. So I have tried to jot down the connectivity between the two similar feelings that are always in a competition to earn more emotional regards. 

Liking has always been considered to be a surface sensation at the first place that promotes a bond between two persons: be it friendship, acquaintance, love or dislike. Though ironic but true that two juxtaposite feelings walk parallel with a thin line in between held tightly by an adamant personality that sits inside everyone and has an adherence towards its instinctive traits. It refrains change until some strong influence seeps into it. To like someone is to open up for those positive changes that we admire in a person. To like someone is to long for more and more time to share the company, to explore more goodness, more pleasure that has been discovered outside recently. How great is to bear the feeling of liking where we are out on a journey of revelations and realizations. We come across so many surprises and facts about self and others, where we start off to make relations, where we start off to accept or reject the changes being offered. Liking is no less than or different from loving because both the feelings share equal greatness. The only thing that needs to be highlighted is that the greatness multiplies when one merges or transforms into the other. Love has been since ages defined in big terms wrapped in amazing emotional fringes, gained special corner in philosophies and received highest gestures among all ages. All because of a reason.
Love is a metaphor for blind faith. A belief that grows so strongly that it glorifies all the positivity inside a person making him/her king/queen of the world. At this stage he/she becomes the strongest creator enlightened with the sanctity of love. 
We say,
We love our parents; we never say we like our parents because it’s the indelible faith that prevails between a parent and a child helping in bringing their reflection in him. If we love someone, we love him whole like us. And here where liking someone becomes a milder tone where promises, acceptances, flexibility, apprehensions do come as reality checkers. Love is something that comes late, quite late after we cross all the stages and are ready to get into the water fearlessly even if we do not know how to swim with this hope that we will learn.

Love is not new. It is very old. Its age is reflected in its newness in every facet, every lesson. One can always love a person whom he likes and rise.

The rainbow at Baga

It’s nearly 0.5-0.6 Km walk from the parking zone to my office in plant area. It’s an often over-looked benefit of working in a hazardous ...